Infocasa to Open Realty Export

Infocasa to Open Realty data import.

As we all know switching from one Real Estate management software to another can be a mess and a very time consuming process. Because of this it is always better to let automatic systems handle all the importing and exporting of data so that we can have our new Real Estate software live as soon as possible.

If you are an Infocasa user who wants to switch to Open Realty we can import all the properties to your new site including the photos. You can Export all your Infocasa properties to Open Realty.

You will not lose any fields and we will inform you of what fields will be imported and where they will go into your new Open Realty installation.

In about 5 days you can have all your Properties exported from Infocasa to Open Realty. If you are a Kyero or ThinkSpain user we can also supply the feeds so you are still sending properties to these portals in the same way as it occurred with Infocasa.

Please inquire for pricing and details.